What is twisted in here?

To start with, I TWIST and turn words and scribbles in four topics. Let's just call these "TWIST originals". But I also have two older topics archived in here

Living with disabilities

Living with disabilities is an adventure. There are so many things in life that give us the opportunity to think about how different people with different needs approach their adventure. Let it be a bus journey, a long weekend in the woods, or a sailing trip across the Atlantic, I like to speculate on one or another journey of my life.

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I am not just I. I am Me, myself, and I. I believe it is important to understand that we can not stick labels on people. The way I see a person is as a collection of identities. Through these set of scribbles, I'd like to illustrate this point through my own identities. As my good friend once said - "Daniel, you are 50 shades of Daniel".

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Once you know yourself, yes, all many of yourselves, it is time to get to know others. Personal relationships are fantastic, but physical connection is not always viable. Luckily, the greatest invention of time - writing - enable you and I to meet, and have a conversation with anyone. Well, anyone who decided to write a book and published it. In the scribbles on reading, I'll attempt to paint a picture of the conversations between book authors and me.

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Special interests

As we learn new skills, we discover new interests. Special interests cover topics, such as entrepreneurship, science communication, haptics, self-advocacy, and more.

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