Why trust us with your talent

We help blind or learning disabled people to develop skills that matter. Project27 Skills reduces the frustration caused by inaccessible learning tools, and builds confidence in your abilities. We do this through peer support, personalised opportunities for learning, creating and discovering new challenges in a safe place, built by it’s community.

Daniel and Danielle are photographed in the UK Parliament. They are wearing smart clothing. A guide dog is sitting in front of them. In the background multiple signs are visible, such as logos of University College London, World Health Organisation, and GDI Hub. Other signs read 'AT changes lives' and 'Launching the Global Report on Assistive Technology'.

Project27 Skills is led by a ‘Brighton-based’ couple - Daniel and Danielle. We draw on our lived experiences of disability, and professional skills in community engagement. Daniel is a scientifically-minded blind person, with an interest in social entrepreneurship. Danielle is a sociable learning disabled person, with an interest in art, media, gaming, and self-advocacy.

Read more about us

What people say

Photo of Zehra Yunel

Daniel was an exceptional mentor to me. He is a great listener and he always tried to give the most informed answers possible to my questions and he was willing to share his personal experiences with me during our partnership. He was also a great role model for me in terms of what a visually impaired person can achieve. his support and finding about his experiences helped me a lot to build my confidence and encouraged me to achieve my ambitions. - Zehra Yunel

Mentee at Look UK

Photo of Sarah Pickard

I think Danielle is such a positive member of the team, she is so proactive and sets a good example of how to tackle her work and deal with challenges. She has real drive to learn and succeed and do things well, and support others to get involved. - Sarah Pickard

Director at Brighton and Hove Speak Out

Photo of Emily Yates

From ensuring PDF accessibility to testing websites and pages as a screen reader user, Daniel has utilised his lived experience and technical knowledge surrounding digital accessibility and assistive technologies to bring incredibly helpful insight to a number of projects. I would recommend him in a heartbeat; he is thorough, engaging and a joy to chat with! - Emily Yates

Head of Accessibility and Inclusive Design at Mima Group

What we do

Project27 Skills is the talent arm of the Project27 Consultancy Group. We enable blind or learning disabled people to share their experiences and learn new skills.

Sharing thoughts - Read our Blog!

We share our lived experience of sight-loss, learning disability, and success, through our blog.

Passive learning - Study our Guide!

We enable people to learn about science, technology, and life skills, by creating accessible articles in the Project27 Guide.

Active learning - Become a volunteer!

We promote active learning by getting volunteers involved in building the Project27 Guide, site, and community.

Consultancy - Book Support!

Anyone who needs time to talk things through with us can book support, for a session of general consulting, tutoring, or mentoring.

Are you a researcher or business?

Check out Project27 Solutions, the research and innovation arm of the Project27 Consultancy Group. We enable researchers and businesses to understand the real problems blind or learning disabled people experience, through an iterative process of co-design and innovation consultancy.

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