Project27 Skills

Developing Project27 Skills is an extensive source of learning and enjoyment. There are a range of topics that matter to us in the team. We use these topics to facilitate the development of our own skills, while building the Project27 Skills Guide. As a result, we get better at doing things, and record an ever growing list of skills that matter to us. If you find a skill set, or a particular skill on the list that matters to you, and you want to learn by getting involved, please check out our volunteer opportunities.

Skills that matter to us: 54 and counting

So far, we learnt 54 skills, across the following skill sets:


The accessibility skill set is useful to anyone, who wants to learn how to make web content accessible to screen reader users, as well as learning disabled and low vision visitors. We strive to develop the best user experience, making our space disability inclusive.

Web development

Web development is a very valuable skill set in the 2020s. Knowing how to develop a web space, enabled us to make Project27 Skills available on multiple devices, such as your smart phone or desktop computer.

Digital skills

Web development is an essential skill set that matters to us; however, we also needed to learn additional digital skills to be able to build and manage Project27 Skills.


Entrepreneurship enables us to evaluate the viability of working on Project27 Skills as a social enterprise. It is the entrepreneurial skills that transform our hobby behind closed doors into a safe-space for all to participate in learning.

Social skills

No doubt, we have picked up many technical skills on the way, but in the process we also strengthened our social skills.

Personal competencies

In general, we became more confident, more productive, happier people. As the project grows, we grow too.


We value community, and the life stories within. To capture and share these stories appropriately, we started developing a skill set of journalism.


True to our origins from university life, we continue to develop our research skills, let it be academic, user, or market research.

Skills that matter to you

Do you have a unique set of skills you would like to get better at, involve others, and share your achievements? Are you interested in building your braille art gallery? Are you working on a video game? Do you want to create your library of accessible comic-books?

If the Project27 Skills Guide does not include a topic you are interested in, and the skills that matter to us exclude the skills you want to develop, we may still be able to support you.

Using our skills in web development and entrepreneurship, we can help you create your own safe-space, similar to Project27 Skills. We are committed to host, and let you showcase your very own project on our community platform. The platform allows you to write your own project blog, organise your resources and content, recruit contributors, as well as offer your support within your project community.

To find out more, contact us:

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